My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time, I knew what it was like to be creative day in and day out. The years of the past when chores were done daily with time for play thrown in. Crafts were set up for the children at least once a week in order to eliminate chaos and fuel their desire for art one day. I have creations floating around in my head and never find the time or drive to do the garments, paintings or even the paper art I have created in my mind. Swirl, Swirl, Swirlswirling and then down the drain they fall never to materialize. I really need to get out of this funk and find my way back before everything I love to do can no longer be done by me. Time is truly wasting away. If only I did not have to leave the house and just stay put, because once I get started (which is early every morning) I wouldn’t stop. It is that dag gone break in the day that throws my groove off track.

Maybe I will try to mix it up and develop better daily habits with throwing out the 30 – 45 minute naps. I will test a new pick up and delivery time of day, which means I will need to be a day ahead in the work date due.

I will make list of things needing created or decorating , cleaning needing done and accomplish at least one thing daily on the list and check it off being left with a feeling of accomplishment.

list checked


I will write down these goals, draw up my designs along with fabric swatches and just do it. I can only hope for the best and start slow so I am not overwhelmed with the list.extreme list

Stay encouraged daily. Waste no time for time is becoming precious!

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