My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mail Call!!!!!!!

You are a soldier overseas and this rings out often, maybe not daily, but often. Your standing in line as the names are called for those who received mail from the States. The Privates leave their position one by one as they receive their mail and you with a few others are left standing, nothing in hand. What goes thru a soldiers head actually when they do not receive a care package or letter from home?

You see, this idea of letter writing has become a thing of the past these days. My Soldier Son mentioned never receiving mail while we were conversing thru instant messaging one day. I keep in contact with Soldier Son thru e-mail, Facebook daily. He will post his thoughts on fbook and the whole Family will respond when necessary. I realize as Parents his Father and I have fallen down on the job just a smidge. Only one package sent and not one letter received in 6 months since deployment. Shame on us. What is it about mail call? How does it make a person feel to receive mail? Does it make one feel special to receive a letter? Is it just the thought that someone cares so much, they took the time, to sit and write a letter. Does it bring them closer to home while they are so far away? When both the kids, Cali Girl and Soldier Son were in basic (boot camp) I did take the time and sent them regular letters along with care packages often. It was a different state of mind for them as Soldiers in training for they had very, very limited contact with the life they left. I knew these letters and packages would inevitably lift their spirits, in order to get thru what they were enduring. Even sent quotes of encouragement to help them be strong. What is left to say when you have more contact after basic training. Maybe I will hide my Soldier Son on Facebook just for a little while as not to know what he is thinking so I will have things to write about. Maybe I too will stop sharing for a little while so my letters will be new news instead of something he already knows.

My Son is not the only one who isn’t receiving mail there are plenty who don’t, quite possibly and simply for the same reasons. There isn’t anything we haven’t already shared with phone calls and computer info swapping. Today I vow to write my Son a letter once a week starting today, and especially on the 4th of July. Without the Soldiers protecting the good ole USA we may not still have our FREEDOM. Remember the True and the Brave.


Easter in Indy tree in bloom 024soldier saluteing

Adopt a soldier today not receiving mail at write them a letter today.

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