Financial Independence Gone
It is done. My financial independence once again has been handed back to the Man. For many, many years in our Marriage this was our way. Monies together, one of us would divvy it out to bills and family fun or needs. Needs more than fun until 11 years ago when I became fortunate
enough to finally earn my worth for the skill I possess. At times having a fistful of dollars to spare, but not knowing this. For the first 16yrs together I paid the piper with monies or lack of it we had. Writing the checks, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak which we all have done. Always seemed to be a hand open waiting to be paid.
11 years ago before the fortune was bestowed upon me I became depressed for there was not enough to go around and so I gave this task of bill paying to the Man. I did not like doing so then, but had too for mental stability. He took care of the finances for at least 3 years until what I believed to be suspicious behavior forced my hand in taking my funds over myself divvying up the debt. This was tough on us both in the beginning , but ended up working for us. He did what he desired with his left over funds and vice a versa. I will admit I became a spender not hesitating to buy the things I desired or spoil the children with theirs.
I lived as if the money was growing on a tree in the back yard.Paid debt down only to make it again. Shame, shame on me. I now find once again I do not have at times enough funds to pay my divvy of debt and my pride keeps me from asking the Man for help. I instead developed bad habits of waiting out the due date till the next payday, which you know what that entails? Late Fees of monies you do not have. I also have a mental block when it comes to releasing the monies I do have. Tough to admit after a year has gone by without the good paying job and trying to make ends meet with the contract work I have that I need help. I swallowed my Pride And Asked will you once again be the Man and take over this task for
I will desire nothing till you can give me the all clear. Let us Be Financial Partners once again. I need your help as I need you. When the financial separation happened I was told it would not work and would be the ruin of our marriage. 24 years of marriage this month, I now see My Fortune. The Patient Man who truly loves me and knew one day he would be needed again and not only in a financial manner.
We are once again becoming a TEAM.
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