I am blown away daily by how much information is actually at our finger tips on the information highway so to speak. I go to the Search Bar and type in the information needed and boom several links appear right before my eyes. Okay which one do I choose. Your first choice may not give you exactly what you need but somewhere down the list you will find the 411. I found an application today on Facebook that will allow me to buy and sell my wares locally and web side to any one signed up on Facebook. Too cool I say and why did those Friends using it not tell me it existed? So when I am accused of time wasting because of web surfing Sooo, You can’t rely on word of mouth for some do not share. More and more people who own a computer also have their very own
address. I have two one for my etsy shop (with not one item in at this time) and one for my blog. Eventually I will own one for Rite Price Alterations and Repairs. I can’t really say why I haven’t taken the time to create and design this website for my alteration business. One reason may be fear of allowing strangers into my home in this dangerous world we exist in today. Would a store front be any safer if you are working alone? Whose to say? May be safer only if located where foot traffic in front of business is constant where passer bys may see activity inside. Who knows? I probably could find statistics on this somewhere with a little search. I have to say there have been a few times I did not find answers to my questions, more than likely I was unable to narrow down my Query in order to achieve the answer. Your information is only as good as the form of the question placed. It is astounding how people like me believe and think that everyone owns a computer. It never really occurs to me how many don’t. Does it to you as you sit typing your blog or catching up with e-mails and Facebook Friends? My Brother doesn’t own a computer and my older brother has but can and does now live without one. Companies often assume everyone in society owns a computer and they are slowly forcing us to go paperless with our bills, therefore payments are made online
or by phone. How do you pay a bill thru the mail without receiving one? Some bills cost a fee for phone payments. This burns me it is an electronic transfer. What does this fee go towards?
This blog page has been generated for I keep thinking about my Brother not owning one. Am I wasting hours on this information Highway for nothing? I believe it to be a useful tool in keeping my brain alive and learning. Keeping the wheels turning keeps age at bay and my brain from stagnating . So I will carry on and Search Bing for the quirkiest pictures I can think of and I now have the knowledge of how to keep my Orchids growing thanks to the World Wide Web.
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