Empty Nest
There she sat waiting for her Mother, she was in the fitting room awaiting her turn to be fitted for her alteration. This beautiful blue eyed child sat accompanied by her older Brother who was quietly reading a book oblivious to his surroundings. This little girl so sweet sitting straight in the chair as if she was aware of her beauty and mesmerized by the attention she often gets from a stranger because of her beautiful innocence. I too wanted to speak to her, for she reminded me of what I once had daily surrounding me. FOUR Lovely Children and one blue eyed child just like hers.
As I started on my way to the door I said to the child “what a pretty girl you are, and I bet everyone tells you that.” She smiled and I was hooked, I had to talk to her a little more for now I noticed how she was dressed. She was sporting a dance leotard with green sparkly play shoes, I know my Granddaughter has some just like them. Did she insist on this combo or does she take dance lessons? I was curious and I love the innocence of a Childs conversation. Which brings me to my story. She had asked me about my kids. I said I don’t have children anymore. She looked at me with wonder and asked “ What happened to your children?” It hit me in the heart. “Nothing happened to my children, they just all grew up and someday you will too not to be a child any longer.” When our children grow up to pursue their own way in life why is it we no longer see our children as children? Remember the innocence they once had, just as this child has. Our children do not die just because they are grown. Inside each grown child they are often as frightened in their lives daily as any child might be. Therefore remains our Children. I am still their Mother and remain so till my dyeing day. I am here to protect you and help you even if you have flown out of the nest to achieve life on your own and make a life of your own.
I Have Four Beautiful Adult Children.
This is A Mothers Love Sent to You.
My eyes are prettier than the photo you chose of a stranger's blue eyes :) This is a lovely post and I am still a child, we all are still children a little bit. Especially in certain situations. We all get scared just like children, but mom is not always there for us to run to.