My Life. Past, Present and Future

My photo
Hilliard, oh., United States

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life Changing

versions of me 022_edited-2 Today is the day I married a man 8 years my junior. It was a Saturday, a day unlike the weather today for it was hot and sticky like our romance. Today it is a cool day for the end of June. (Hope that isn’t an omen.) We met one Friday night in our home town. It was early spring and a night for singles to go out and whoop up the town. Back then restaurants double for night clubs in the evening in the bar/lounge area. The floor was lit as if you were dancing in the  Saturday Night Fever movie. I was standing alone, reached down to retrieve an object found on the floor, as I stood up I viewed the very tall handsome man watching me. He nodded to the dance floor, asking me to dance. I love to dance and being vertically challenged  tall men rarely noticed me. I was not about to pass up a potential match. He proved to be a fine and fun dancer. Having all the right moves for music of the 80s’. We talked for quite awhile that evening having alot in common. He was newly divorced with children, me going on 3 years single, two children, one an infant. At one point in the evening I wrote my numbers down with a lip pencil on the back of a business card in hopes he would call me. If you asked him today, he still has that card. He drove me to my car that night for I had gone with friends to the club. I really didn’t think I would hear from him, one month later as I rushed out the door he called. We made a date and 6 months later we married. It felt right, it felt forever. God sent this man to me. Others wouldn’t see me long enough due to the fact I was an already made Family. I was secure in every way at the time we met, but it was life changing for now I had to learn to let go of some of my independence, and learn how to have a happy blended Family. He was so good in every way I often didn’t feel worthy. Why is this tall perfect man with me? He made me want to be a better version of me. I didn’t change for him, I like to think I changed and grew with him. Over 24 years marriage isn’t always going to be all roses and wine.There were years that were very tough and as long as I stayed on the roller coaster of life and reminded myself in bad times that we will reach the top of the hill again, I had no doubt we wouldn’t make it to this year, the 24th. Our marriage is strong. A man who doesn’t fuss about dishes in the sink for two days or the grocery shopping rarely getting done, laundry piled in baskets, ect, ect. ect. He has staying power and truly loves me and all my failings. We will probably not celebrate today in any special way, that is okay (used to it). In his eyes, everyday is special because we have each other to live out our lives together till our dying days. Next year though the 25th will be kick ass for I will be certain to plan the CELEBRATION!

24 years and Going Strong and many more to come!!

musical instruments and tanzanite jewelry are the suggested modern day gifts for a 24th wedding anniversary.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Letters Overseas

Sunday, after having breakfast and readying myself for the day, I took a few moments to write the letter I had promised to my Soldier Son. I didn’t stop at just writing a letter, I also took the time to enclose a menagerie of photos. Some of new events not attended by Soldier Son and a few of moments shared with him. Looking back on the good times will either make him smile or make him even sadder. I hope the first, but fear the last. Letter writing can be hard to do when there is only so much going on in ones life. Most days it is SSDD, this is how my Soldier Son describes his days. I had to ask what this stood for, not being able to decipher, all the while feeling stupid. He informed me it meant Same Shit Different Day. Civilians live the same life daily. We get up go to the same ole job doing the same ole stuff. The only difference we are surrounded by beauty instead of sand and heat and a uniform community. We have our free will to call anyone we want whenever we feel like it, and above all we are comfortable. These things we take for granted. Getting on with the point. Since my days are mostly SSDD, I don’t know how many words I can send to Soldier Son in a letter. A light bulb went off in my head. Something that takes just a few lines and will do the same (giving mail to a Soldier overseas) a POSTCARD. Brilliant, right? Now what type of postcard will I send that will be memorable? I got it. Pin up girls. Where have the pinup girls gone to? Who would be a pinup girl today for our Soldiers? Why aren’t there pinup girls of today? Someone needs to do this in Hollywood. Many try who aren’t stars, but it did start with the stars of the l950’s. pin up girl jane russell Jane Russell is one, Betty Grable very popular and many more. I looked for pictures of pinup girls and found many. There are anima(Japanese animation) he would find this funny I think, and there were some not true pinup. Showing a bit up girl 4 blog distasteful  Really nice booty though. So now I have the idea for my postcards. Some will be of home grown photos. All in all these will be short and sweet, he won’t get bored reading what he would probably tune out if the conversation were happening at home with him present. I am so excited to send him mail, now to Kinkos for printable postcard material.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mail Call!!!!!!!

You are a soldier overseas and this rings out often, maybe not daily, but often. Your standing in line as the names are called for those who received mail from the States. The Privates leave their position one by one as they receive their mail and you with a few others are left standing, nothing in hand. What goes thru a soldiers head actually when they do not receive a care package or letter from home?

You see, this idea of letter writing has become a thing of the past these days. My Soldier Son mentioned never receiving mail while we were conversing thru instant messaging one day. I keep in contact with Soldier Son thru e-mail, Facebook daily. He will post his thoughts on fbook and the whole Family will respond when necessary. I realize as Parents his Father and I have fallen down on the job just a smidge. Only one package sent and not one letter received in 6 months since deployment. Shame on us. What is it about mail call? How does it make a person feel to receive mail? Does it make one feel special to receive a letter? Is it just the thought that someone cares so much, they took the time, to sit and write a letter. Does it bring them closer to home while they are so far away? When both the kids, Cali Girl and Soldier Son were in basic (boot camp) I did take the time and sent them regular letters along with care packages often. It was a different state of mind for them as Soldiers in training for they had very, very limited contact with the life they left. I knew these letters and packages would inevitably lift their spirits, in order to get thru what they were enduring. Even sent quotes of encouragement to help them be strong. What is left to say when you have more contact after basic training. Maybe I will hide my Soldier Son on Facebook just for a little while as not to know what he is thinking so I will have things to write about. Maybe I too will stop sharing for a little while so my letters will be new news instead of something he already knows.

My Son is not the only one who isn’t receiving mail there are plenty who don’t, quite possibly and simply for the same reasons. There isn’t anything we haven’t already shared with phone calls and computer info swapping. Today I vow to write my Son a letter once a week starting today, and especially on the 4th of July. Without the Soldiers protecting the good ole USA we may not still have our FREEDOM. Remember the True and the Brave.


Easter in Indy tree in bloom 024soldier saluteing

Adopt a soldier today not receiving mail at write them a letter today.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Women's’ Territory

I have been pondering and comparing a dogs behavior to that of a Woman in love. It strikes my curiosity why a little dog such as IMG00046-20100622-1734Bella who is so harmless would feel the need to mark up the house with scent or roll in pooh? I give her so much attention loving her constantly without her asking for it, keeping a daily routine for her so she feels secure. Damn it I ask you what is it, and how do I break her of this bad habit. When the Grandbabies came to stay a few hours alone with me, rolled in pooh. Was she telling me you aren’t giving me attention and you are loving the babies too much. So take that. Compare this to Siblings or a child being ignored. The sibling will lash out at another for no reason at all or spitefully take their favorite toy just to get attention. Negative attention is better than none. I tried to give me children equal attention but I know they didn’t always feel it was divided equal. The marking of territory, insecurity maybe? Has this little dog been in too many homes? Did the little children she lived with threaten her daily with bother? She is telling this big dog Cole who comes to visit, I live here, this is my yard and my owner. I had dibbs first. This is my favorite place to lay, this is where I eat so stay away. Down goes the scent, another yellow spot. I compare this to a Woman who feels insecure most of the times in her relationship because she is insecure herself. I have been there. How funny would it have been if I marked my husbands leg with scent to keep the young pretty girls from talking to him. I often felt unworthy of my Husband and just knew he would leave if the right young, smarter, more successful woman came along. To be able to mark our territory, how would we do it? The only option we have is to constantly keep tabs on our Men. Be at all functions we can and keep a tight grip on his arm when in public or at functions. Above all let everyone know how happy and how much fun you and your Man have together. Articles I have read about this behavior say in time as the dog gets older this behavior will subside. This is true for women, for I feel ever so secure with myself now, that if The Man were to take up with another I know it wouldn’t be because I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, or sexually charged enough. So be it if it were to happen, it would be because of issues of his own and this I can not own as mine. Our relationship is great in our golden days and I do not worry at all about this taking place. He is as secure with us as I am, he shows me this regularly with his daily routines, open communication and generosity.IMG00045-20100622-1734
I am watching you to make sure you are not leaving again.
Now we just need to work on the dogs insecurities, only time will tell.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gift for Father

So it was Fathers’ Day. The Man went to Indy to visit his Father on Saturday. I stayed behind. Perfect opportunity I thought to do as I saw fit. My Father left this life 13 years ago. The good Lord saw fit to end his misery and pain. I know he is in Heaven painting, writing, and playing the piano for all the angels to hear. God Bless You Father. I tinkered around the house a bit, watched a movie and did a little sewing along with a few drinks. (shame of me). Drinking, creating and operating machinery might not have been a good idea, but I had everything under control. I didn’t end up with two left pant legs Thank Goodness. I arose the next morning and it occurred to me what the perfect gift for the Man would be from me. MUSIC!music  I could give him this without spending a cent just giving up a little of my time. He has taken to using my iPod while working out because the music channel thru his blackberry doesn’t always cooperate. I do have all this music on my computer and a blackberry can double for an MP3 player. What a genius I am. At least this is what I thought. The hoops I had to jump thru just to load this music on the card reader for the phone. I finally accomplished the task today with a burned CD as well that will play in his car 6 hours of music. I also learned a little more about I Tunes. When uploading music always do so in an MP3 format. I don’t think at the time this music was put on the external hard drive this was available then. I also know how to convert this music, if it didn’t happen at the time of upload. Like I have said before always learning new things on this contraption called a COMPUTER. Becoming such a computer Geek! Loving it. What you don’t know you don’t know till you learn.

My only fear now, I hope I picked the right music he would like to hear while walking on the tread mill. Can you really go wrong listening to The Cars, Black-eyed Peas and a variety of more.

Happy Fathers Day Honey, celebration  with our children soon to follow. Strap on the hiking boots to enjoy nature and a picnic.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Living in Denial

Two weeks later and another paycheck deposited into joint account. This past month I have deposited my fair share of monies for bill paying since the take over by The Man per my request. I bring this subject up because of what stemmed from what I deemed to be a harmless conversation. While having dinner Friday evening I had mentioned I had found some cute things on sale while on JCrew online, things I would wear often till they wore out. OMG, a dirty shot thrown my way. I said ,” What is that look for?  You gave me a gift card to use, do you think I am going to charge things? (which I might have).” and I did tell him this as well. He responds, “Why would you do that just pay cash.” First and foremost in order to do this I need to know what is left for spending. The budget now is totally up to the Man. and I have very little knowledge of said plan. I need to confirm what is budgeted to spend. Knowledge is power in conserving on what you have and holding back for the future so I do not end up living in

black and white brokeBROKEVILLE.  I have been here many a time. I know what the Mans’ intentions are, and he is beside himself of the debt we have. His theory at this moment  is  pay it down now. Does he think I didn’t try to do this? I made more than the minimum payments on most cards when the funds were available. I had informed him in the past I will always retain and use two cards for my pleasure and they are Banana Republic and JCrew. This really put me in a bad mood, when on a Friday I just wanted to have a good time. I believe it may take a little time for me, for I know what credit cards do and what they cost in the end. I am not a total Moron. I will dig deep, do without, sew up all the fabric I own and try my best to knowjoy of broke………. I have been broke before and I did ask for this help so SUCK IT UP and do without. After I order those sweet t-shirts from JCrew only 12.99 each. Large Please and put a rush on it.

My DENIAL: I still have the job I had a year ago making the monies of three years ago!!

Lady it is Gone, Time to be frugal!!!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Season Begins

It was only a matter of time before that dreaded phone call or face to face conversation came. Now “Mrs.. Tailor maybe instead of you making a 15 mile trip daily to pick up work from us, we may want to go back to the original schedule of 3 days a week. I really would hate for you to arrive only to find I  have one piece of work for you.” Nice to receive the phone call seeing what the price of a gallon of gas is these days, but darn it. Probably wasn’t a good idea to sabotage the job interview I interviewhad for an hourly paid job 2 weeks ago.  I didn’t do it on purpose, being a salesman I didn’t sell myself well and answered question without vigor. “We are making t-shirt quilts do you know about these?” I respond, “yes I do, but have never had the desire to make one, but I am sure I can.” really how hard is it to make a simple t-shirt quilt. My favorite and knew when leaving the interview I would not be given the job. “So what do you think? Is this something you would like to do?” I respond “It is worth giving a try, I am interested in making a steady paycheck, for me it really isn’t about the benefits and I would like to not always be at my job.” Okayyyy then!! Could I have said anything worse or tried to be less enthusiastic about being given the job opportunity? It really wasn’t the right fit for me. Benefits: I would always know I would be paid a certain amount weekly. With guaranteed two days off.exceed expectationsI wasn’t adventurous enough and exceed their expectations with the knowledge I own of the end and outs of sewing. Or maybe I did. I would like to tell myself it wasn’t what I did or did not say in the interview. It may have been I was over qualified for blind assembly, this is what they would be having me help with. The interview pretense was making drapery,drapery  is not the bread and butter of this company.
I will carry on, the season of slow down does not last forever. I will find other ways of making moolah. New add needs to be posted. Shops online need to be filled taking up down time by creating product needed. Pedal (selling myself) myself to other shops for contract work and hope they will hire me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is a new day who knows what next week holds.
(Mrs. Tailor someone is on vacation and we have a work overload. By the way it is due tomorrow.)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wardrobe Dilemma

Today was a grueling day trying to find something to wear. I really don’t leave my house to go off to the office, for the office or should I say workroom is in my house. I could stay in my pajamas’ if I so choose. I do leave the house once a day where people might see me. The fitter doesn’t really care what I am wearing when I come for the delivery/pickup. I shower before 10:00am daily whether I leave the house or not, even if I am only cleaning the house for the day. I start out looking my best. This would always bring questions from my Children of where I was going. I would respond with “nowhere, I believe if you look good you feel good therefore being the most productive you can be for you are fresh and ready to go.” After changing my clothes 3 times I finally figured out which outfit I could be comfortable in for the rest of the day, and feel good about the way I was presenting myself. That is until this evening when I most definitely will change again into what I call my comfy clothes. Comfy clothes consist of T-shirt, knit pull on pants, and no brassiere. Ahhh! Comfort.

The day started out with a leopard print knit dress I wore only once back in October 09. Fit then, seems to fit different today.. Off it came two hours later. Tried on a more casual look consisting of blue jeans and a grey pull over with hot pink Vans. Off it came 1 hour later, just wasn’t feeling the look, oh to casual as if I should be doing heavy cleaning donning my oldest clothes as not to destroy them. Final look I felt good in, A brightly colored peasant shirt half tucked in, same jeans, bronze belt and shoes to match. Okay, now this works for me casual yet pulled together summer chic.

Moral of story: It truly is time to sew some clothes, funds are tight and stores do not stock many things that will fit this pear shaped body correctly. Yes this is the shape my menopausal body is taking on. I have taken the time to pull together fabrics and patterns to be prepared for this task. I think I will start with this look, first crossing my fingers the pant pattern doesn’t give me too much grief and the outcome is what I desire in the fit of a pair of slacks.Knowing I will need to alter pattern first before cutting. 

It will be a late night in the workroom until a new look emerges! Back to yesteryears of my teenage days. Nothing to wear, I’ll just make something new.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Information Highway

I am blown away daily by how much information is actually at our finger tips  on the information highway so to speak. I go to the Search Bar and type in the information needed and boom several links appear right before my eyes. Okay which one do I choose. Your first choice may not give you exactly what you need but somewhere down the list you will find the 411. I found an application today on Facebook that will allow me to buy and sell my wares locally and web side to any one signed up on Facebook. Too cool I say and why did those Friends using it not tell me it existed? So when I am accused of time wasting because of web surfingsurfing the web Sooo, You can’t rely on word of mouth for some do not share. More and more people who own a computer also have their very own http address address. I have two one for my etsy shop (with not one item in at this time) and one for my blog. Eventually I will own one for Rite Price Alterations and Repairs.  I can’t really say why I haven’t taken the time to create and design this website for my alteration business. One reason may be fear of allowing strangers into my home in this dangerous world we exist in today. Would a store front be any safer if you are working alone? Whose to say? May be safer only if located where foot traffic in front of business is constant where passer bys may see activity inside. Who knows? I probably could find statistics on this somewhere with a little search. I have to say there have been a few times I did not find answers to my questions, more than likely I was unable to narrow down my Query in order to achieve the answer. Your information is only as good as the form of the question placed. It is astounding how people like me believe and think that everyone owns a computer. It never really occurs to me how many don’t. Does it to you as you sit typing your blog or catching up with e-mails and Facebook Friends? My Brother doesn’t own a computer and my older brother has but can and does now live without one. Companies often assume everyone in society owns a computer and they are slowly forcing us to go paperless with our bills, therefore payments are made online web clickor by phone. How do you pay a bill thru the mail without receiving one?  Some bills cost a fee for phone payments. This burns me it is an electronic transfer. What does this fee go towards?

This blog page has been generated for I keep thinking about my Brother not owning one. Am I wasting hours on this information Highway for nothing? I believe it to be a useful tool in keeping my brain alive and learning. Keeping the wheels turning keeps age at bay and my brain from stagnating . So I will carry on and Search Bing for the quirkiest pictures I can think of and I now have the knowledge of how to keep my Orchids growing thanks to the World Wide Web.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Set in Play

This week starts the beginning of a new schedule set in play. It is time to stop wasting time and allowing others to do the same. Wasting my time. Often when I leave in the mornings to make my deliveries and pick ups I am met with the lack of preparedness. Majority of the time I happen to be delivering work that is due for the next day and not for the day I am delivering. So I figured it would greatly help me out and quite possibly the fitter who prepares my work load for the taking if I were to see them at the end of their work day instead. Mornings can get a bit crazy for the fitter who wears many hats at the The fitter is not only trying to see to my needs, but she is also running the counter taking in the cleaning followed with some schmoozing with customers. Now that the weather is getting really hot I find myself getting rather annoyed that I am made to wait. The heat is not a friend of mine. This break in my morning which can some days be as long as 3 hours totally throws me off my game and I do not get back to the work room till late in the day, meaning I now will be working up until bedtime. I would rather be sitting enjoying my evening and being mentally ready to prepare a nice meal for the Man. After today which I have to return to the cleaners by 6:30pm for a rush due in the morning, I will remain in the workroom in the mornings and closing down the shop before 3:00 leaving me with the rest of the day to schedule cleaning, laundry, and cooking like most wives do.

Wish me luck that people cooperate and keep the curve ballsblk white curve ball to a minimum. If the lights are on in the workroom past 3:00 it better be for me.  I have the desire and the need to create garments and items for sale and generate extra cash for me. Saving for another trip to the State of California.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brothers Visit

siblings How I prefer to remember my childhood with my younger Brother.

After 14 years living in a State only 3 hours away from where I grew up and where my Brother still lives he finally came for a visit. He arrived on a Friday evening with his girlfriend driving 3 hours without a working air conditioner which did not seem to bother him at all.What a trouper.

My Mother gave birth to 3 Daughters and 2 Sons. For many years my younger Brother stayed away as the middle sister and her eldest Son do today. I never really understood why the separation occurred and the reasons and the stories shared with me were one sided from my Mothers view point. (Not that I don’t believe some of her tells, they quite possibly are true.) It does not really matter why this choice had to be made on my siblings part or on my Mothers. What I found to be a real fear for me because my immediate Family was broken, the same could possibly happen between my Children. I also feared they would one day stop showing me the respect a Mother should be given and stay away completely from me. I no longer live with this fear, Family is as important to me as I believe it has become to my Children. Friends come and go, Family is Forever. In Life no matter what your siblings or Mother says or does, an open line of communication should be maintained at all times in order to move forward and grow a stronger relationship. When you become an adult you have to throw aside hurt feelings and never carry a grudge. Life is really too short for petty squabbles and disagreements. We grow into adult individuals with strong opinions of our own. This should always be respected. You don’t always need to be on the same page in order to enjoy each other for the few hours your paths may cross occasionally. My Brother and I are on the same page when it comes to remembering our childhood. Some of us only want to remember the bad, we choose to remember the stupid and silly things we did as children, the fun my Parents tried to show us, for we remember the good times and do not hold onto the bad. I don’t believe I personally know anyone who actually has lived an uneventful childhood life. Even the rich have troubles of their own with crazy occurrences in their childhood, whether it be abuse, alcoholism or even neglect. No one is removed from the test of will and Faith. I tell my children often as a reminder, “I am THE MOM” when I say this it means we never stop Mothering our children and you only have one Mom who will be there to help pick you up when times are hard and still wipe your tears away when you are hurt and suffering as my Mother would do for me even now if possible.

My Brothers visit was enjoyed by all.Good food, good company drinking and fun. My Daughters shared themselves with an Uncle they hadn’t seen in possibly 10 years and loved every minute.

Thank You for the visit I still believe you would even today protect me from harm.sibling defense as you did when we were Children.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Empty Nest

empty nest There she sat waiting for her Mother, she was in the fitting room awaiting her turn to be fitted for her alteration. This beautiful blue eyed child sat accompanied by her older Brother who was quietly reading a book oblivious to his surroundings. This little girl so sweet sitting straight in the chair as if she was aware of her beauty and  mesmerized by the attention she often gets from a stranger because of her beautiful innocence. I too wanted to speak to her, for she reminded me of what I once had daily surrounding me. FOUR Lovely Children and one blue eyed child just like eye As I started on my way to the door I said to the child “what a pretty girl you are, and I bet everyone tells you that.” She smiled and I was hooked, I had to talk to her a little more for now I noticed how she was dressed. She was sporting a dance leotard with green sparkly play shoes, I know my Granddaughter has some just like them. Did she insist on this combo or does she take dance lessons? I was curious and I love the innocence of a Childs conversation. Which brings me to my story. She had asked me about my kids. I said I don’t have children anymore. She looked at me with wonder and asked “ What happened to your children?” It hit me in the heart. “Nothing happened to my children, they just all grew up and someday you will too not to be a child any longer.” When our children grow up to pursue their own way in life why is it we no longer see our children as children? Remember the innocence they once had, just as this child has. Our children do not die just because they are grown. Inside each grown child they are often as frightened in their lives daily as any child might be. Therefore remains our Children. I am still their Mother and remain so till my dyeing day. I am here to protect you and help you even if you have flown out of the nest to achieve life on your own and make a life of your own.

I Have Four Beautiful Adult Children.

This is A Mothers Love Sent to You.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Financial Independence Gonepoof


It is done. My financial independence once again has been handed back to the Man.handing over money For many, many years in our Marriage this was our way. Monies together, one of us would divvy it out to bills and family fun or needs. Needs more than fun until 11 years ago when I became fortunate fistful of dollarsenough to finally earn my worth for the skill I possess. At times having a fistful of dollars to spare, but not knowing this. For the first 16yrs together I paid the piper with monies or lack of it we had.  Writing the checks, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak which we all have done. Always seemed to be a hand open waiting to be paid.hands open for money 11 years ago before the fortune was bestowed upon me I became depressed for there was not enough to go around and so I gave this task of bill paying to the Man. I did not like doing so then, but had too for mental stability. He took care of the finances for at least 3 years until what I believed to be suspicious behavior forced my hand in taking my funds over myself divvying up the debt. This was tough on us both in the beginning , but ended up working for us. He did what he desired with his left over funds and vice a versa. I will admit I became a spender not hesitating to buy the things I desired or spoil the children with theirs. money treeI lived as if the money was growing on a tree in the back yard.Paid debt down only to make it again. Shame, shame on me. I now find once again I do not have at times enough funds to pay my divvy of debt and my pride keeps me from asking the Man for help. I instead developed bad habits of waiting out the due date till the next payday, which you know what that entails? Late Fees of monies you do not have. I also have a mental block when it comes to releasing the monies I do have. Tough to admit after a year has gone by without the good paying job and trying to make ends meet with the contract work I have that I need help. I swallowed my Pride And Asked will you once again be the Man and take over this task forno more hand outs I will desire nothing till you can give me the all clear. Let us Be Financial Partners once again. I need your help as I need you. When the financial separation happened I was told it would not work and would be the ruin of our marriage. 24 years of marriage this month, I now see My Fortune. The Patient Man who truly loves me and knew one day he would be needed again and not only in a financial manner.

We are once again becoming a TEAM.  

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time, I knew what it was like to be creative day in and day out. The years of the past when chores were done daily with time for play thrown in. Crafts were set up for the children at least once a week in order to eliminate chaos and fuel their desire for art one day. I have creations floating around in my head and never find the time or drive to do the garments, paintings or even the paper art I have created in my mind. Swirl, Swirl, Swirlswirling and then down the drain they fall never to materialize. I really need to get out of this funk and find my way back before everything I love to do can no longer be done by me. Time is truly wasting away. If only I did not have to leave the house and just stay put, because once I get started (which is early every morning) I wouldn’t stop. It is that dag gone break in the day that throws my groove off track.

Maybe I will try to mix it up and develop better daily habits with throwing out the 30 – 45 minute naps. I will test a new pick up and delivery time of day, which means I will need to be a day ahead in the work date due.

I will make list of things needing created or decorating , cleaning needing done and accomplish at least one thing daily on the list and check it off being left with a feeling of accomplishment.

list checked


I will write down these goals, draw up my designs along with fabric swatches and just do it. I can only hope for the best and start slow so I am not overwhelmed with the list.extreme list

Stay encouraged daily. Waste no time for time is becoming precious!