In this economy and the job market it is becoming more prevalent that one must maintain at all times the fear they may at any moment be out of the job they were giving their all to. I ask you what do Employers want from us today? Are we becoming expendable, because of the high unemployment percentage in all States? Are Employers letting people go more than not before their 90 day probation is up and why? Is it to save money? Doesn’t the retraining of a newbie cost a company more money with constant turn over? Job security no longer exist, for there are many who are unemployed at this time. We must walk on eggshells these days I guess after we are able to finally land a job. To put it bluntly start kissing the ASS of our Boss. I myself have been without work for over a year and have given up seeking employment. Thank God I do have talent and ways to generate other income. Not everyone is so lucky. Someone near and Dear to me just lost their job. She was called in for her 90 day review, with excitement she opened the door grabbed a seat and to her dismay was told she was no longer needed and was given a bullshit reason. She showed up for a part time job on time when scheduled, worked late when needed, and tried to be a step ahead of the boss in order to keep filing and messages up to date. She felt organized in everyway to help the office run like a well oiled machine. Toss in others who aren’t as efficient but have been employed for many, many years and quite possibly should be retired, you, being so organized and covering your back may just make them look bad and become an enemy, they cant have you making them look bad. There you go, your walking papers. By the way you can’t even collect unemployment. It is a lot harder for someone older, like my age to find a new job. You may try a new career but this is also nearly impossible as well to break into. Maybe it is time for the government to lower retirement age again like back in the days of President Carter? This may help stimulate jobs once again. The government wants us to work till the age of 72 for our full retirement benefits, who is to say we will even get it then. I do diverse somewhat for this isn’t my subject.
The saying everyone is expendable rings truer today in this tough jobless country we are calling the USA. Step on someone's toes, bye, bye. It isn’t what you know it is who you know and if you remain in their good favor.
How do you keep high hopes? When there are bills to pay and plans of a celebration has begun. All one can really do is home in on skills they possess and put them to use while hitting the pavement and bombarding the internet with resumes hoping to choose the next job wisely. We at one time interviewed our interviewer to make sure the fit would be right. I know I did in the past when seeking a job change while I was still employed. Had I known then my company was in jeopardy I may have taken their offer. Hinds sights 20/20 there is no going back. We can only move forward, dig in and not allow this to break us. Depression just lands you in bed and before you know it weeks have past by and no results. Stay motivated daily and make finding a new employer the #1 task everyday. Make it your job. Doesn’t pay, but in the end, results start to happen.
Remember an ant can’t move a rubber tree plant but he has high hopes and determination. Find Strength, Passion for life and Faith in your beliefs and your Prayers will be answered 10 fold. These are the only words of Wisdom I can find at this time, for I myself struggle and can only hope one day soon business will pick up, people start shopping once again in fervor so I feel the overload of work so I can bask in the rewards of Financial Freedom once again with no worries of what I spend. I used to be her juggling life and work.
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