My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Curse

Earlier this week I started on Cali Girls wedding dress. I finalized all the ideas for the dress, bought all things needed to start the construction of this wondrous garment, from stabilizers to boning. The first fitting had been accomplished thanks to younger sister and a muslin piece. I made the necessary adjustments to the pattern pieces and away I began sewing. First pattern piece I cut, success, the second piece I did not realize was wrong until it was cut. Wouldn’t you know, I inadvertently cut the wrong size. Back to the fabric and reminder to add this allowance. So okay, to the machine I start sewing, I use voile for the stabilizer for the silk would not do well with a fusible. Sewn, to the iron I go to press the seams flat, low and behold a permanent crease in the silk created by cutting the front pattern piece directly on the fold where it had been wrapped around the bolt. Argh, back to the drawing board. I ripped the back loose from the front and cut a new piece, not on the folded fold this time. This makes three fronts cut now. Monies wasted of a 20.00 dollar a yard silk. No worries of total waste though since I can use these pieces to create the flowers intended for embellishment of the bodice. Here is the curse of it all. I am a bit of a perfectionist, I know what the outcome needs to be. Couture look and a strapless bodice that should be able to stand on its’ own. Structure to look as if it fits like a glove. The next layer created should do the trick. A wool felt interior. I have done this before on a strapless gown, the look was amazing. I sew this layer, insert it to the bodice and yikes, the outer shell has stretch during pressing of seams, curved seams and the heavy boning I bought to use instead of the lighter sew to the seam boning was showing where it stopped and began which I had sewn to the felt. Another front will need to be cut now along with a new tactic in constructing this bodice to have the look and feel of a corset without really being one. Back to the fabric store I go to look for different interior fabric similar to felt and I need to be certain to stabilize edge with some tape. Brainstorming begins, less pressing to remember and a fourth front will need to be cut.

Tomorrow is a new day with a fresh mind and more time set aside without interruption of my daily life that can be mind boggling and  frustrating throwing me into a not so peaceful mind of creativity. I will not let the curse of Perfection become my enemy I vow to embrace you. Damn it we have a one of a kind Wedding Gown to create.

wedding 004Make it Work, and trim those seams.

I am not a quitter but a doer, you don’t know what you don’t know. But I know what I want the end results to be.

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