My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Sunday, May 16, 2010


After 24 years of marriage I find I do not like sharing the bathroom at the same time as the Man. I asked myself Saturday, what it was that bothered me so much about doing this. I went up to the bathroom to get ready for the day, wouldn’t you know, I am barely prepared and in comes the Man. When you are young and newly married you tend to find this an opportunity of love, with hopefully an outcome desired and fueled by passion to be next to each others clean flesh. Twenty four years later and a body that has taken on a new form you feel less desirable and desire less. This may be one theory, but not the right one for I believe I do still desire passion in my life, passion not just sex. There he is trying to be funny making funny faces on the shower door and I can only feel annoyed. He is throwing me off my game for the day,  I am in deep thought about how my day will go and all the things I need to do and what I would like to get accomplish. My mind is busy planning. Even though it is Saturday it is still a work day for me. His showering ritual is over next step teeth, with music being turned on and classic rock begins to blare. Really I ask you. I am in the process of applying my face, low and behold now I need to share my space so The man can blow dry what little hair he has, annoyed again. This should all be amusing and sometimes it is, most days no. Final spit in the sink of mouth wash off he goes to dress while leaving music on. He is dressed comes back and switches the radio off. Now I can finish as I began in Peace.

Conclusions I have come to. During the work week the Man is usually done with his daily ritual before I rise from my slumber, no sharing there. I can prepare for my day without bumping into him, even though we have a sufficient bathroom. Most work days this is generally done in a haste with an allotted amount of time. On the weekends when I can take a little more time for myself and primp more or even just do the personal hygiene bit there isn’t time for during the week, I would like to do it privately. No music please for I still have a day to plan in my head. So today Sunday I asked the man when he planned on showering. Would he do it before me. Why he asked? I just knew as soon as I stepped into the shower he would be ready to shower as well. I politely told him I would like to have the bathroom alone without disturbance. Why? Again. “I have personal things I would like to take care of today in peace.” I said  So he responds with “I think you just hurt my feelings.” Boo hoo, I thought. “Sorry I hurt your feelings but I would just like the bathroom alone today so please be my guest and go first.” In the movie It’s Complicated ex wife remodels a bathroom wanted only a single sink not for the same reasons as I might. The double sink made her sad there wasn’t anyone to share it with. For me there wouldn’t be enough room.his and hers Maybe a his and hers bathroom? The Man kindly obliged me took his turn first promising not to be long. It wasn’t about the length of time, it was about the sharing of space and the difference in our daily rituals. 

Today I asked for what I wanted, received it and took a very long shower with primping and trimming in Silence.

All is Good on this bright shiny Sunday.


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