My Life. Past, Present and Future

My photo
Hilliard, oh., United States

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Applaud You

bride groom A Bride and Groom from yesteryears when gowns were mostly simplistic.
I take my hat off to everyone and anyone who alters wedding gowns of today on a daily basis.This is one of the toughest jobs in the tailoring world to do. I have been tearing apart a heavily beaded gown, hoping the beads would not fall to the floor just to hem this 5lb dress from the waist. Why you ask would I alter it from the waist. This dress has a long train with pleating and scallop trim. So you remove what you can in order to maneuver the dress and move the bodice to the location needed to make it shorter and what do you get? A waist on the skirt that is too big for the bodice to be put back on. ARGHHHHHHH! Now comes the part where I need to figure out how much I will take in to make the bodice fit again. In the mean time I hear beads fall to the floor. (just a few.) Oh no, where did this blood come from? I could not find where or how I was bleeding, I did get a bandage to cover a wound from yesterday, just in case, and a wet paper towel to remove the spot. Brides do not like it when you bleed on their gowns.  Tricky I tell you. The time involved due to how careful and gentle I have to handle the dress will be ridiculous. I have walked away for a few moments to collect my thoughts before trying to baste the bodice back on. I did figure out amount needed to take in waist. Done.

The only Wedding Gowns I will be encountering in the future will be those for my Daughters, for they will be constructed by me from start to finish, pattern being altered for the custom fit required.
I thought I would just say Thank You tailors/seamstresses who are willing and love to alter complex wedding gowns. For as I, will I ever alter one again? Emphatically, that would be a big fat NO.

I know my client will be happy when all is said and done, for she has come to one of the best, and has full trust in me.   And they lived Happily ever After.bridal train
        Not such a good time to try to quit smoking when my work load has become tremendously heavy.     One day at a time. One day at a time. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Nose Knows

nose The anatomy of the nose is such a curious thing.I know what you are thinking. I am odd to be writing about this.Today I feel like the girl in the movie Someone like you. She wanted to have her sensory nerve for smelling removed because of good smells from a broken heart of a loved one who left her. I want not to have dirty laundry smell stuck inside my nostrils. I really need to figure out how to continue to work in this alteration business and have pleasant smells surround me. There are days I just want topinched nose  pinch my nose with a clothes pin so I can continue to strive towards the goal of work load accomplished. What can you really do except maybe let incense burn? Some air fresheners may help or maybe even pin a rose beneath the nasal passages.smelling rose Oh what a lovely smell, the sensory would tingle all day long with a few distractions, possibly of Love, and memories of past bouquets received.

Just thought I would share, take a break and stop to smell a rose this day. Figuratively and literally.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Diagnosis

doctorI finally did it. I made an appointment to see the Doctor for a check up. It had been three years since I had gone to the Doctors. Amazing, I know at my age. Thought it was time since I have turned 50 and everything seems to be going to pot. Of course the Doctor could not explain why my muscles burn and ache at night when I finally put head to pillow. No diagnosis. Could not explain why my groin muscle feels like it is being stretched and pulled. (This really hurts, goes from one side to the other side.) I know, more sex could just be the cure or should I say some sex. Funny huh! If only you knew. A future post about that. Three vials of blood were drawn by a technician as gently as his big gruff hands could I suppose, still ended up with a nasty bruise. When you are 50 they also tend to examine you in places you never have been examined before. Yucky! I informed the Doctor how my wrist kills me often and my index fingers at times will not bend and become very stiff. My Father had rheumatoid arthritis, something I fear becoming crippled from. Blood test for that. Oh yeah Doctor, what about this 131 lbs I now weigh what can I do to take it off? She informs me the menopause doesn’t help and to exercise more. Always the answer. Not the one I was looking for, I want a magic pill and my 40 year old body back. I would be happy at 117 lbs again. I also informed the Doc it was time to quit smoking. Please help me with that magic pill and make it longer than 30 days this time. By the way, was not long enough the first go around. Almost one week on magic pill and it really alters the mood. Feelings of depression off and on during the day, tired as well, sometimes irritable. Like these guys.      dr jeckyll Please help my sanity with understanding and take nothing or my mood too personally. I need your help to get thru this so I don’t end up making an excuse to smoke again. Life is very stressful at this time. My work load is very heavy when I am trying to plan and prepare for a party. Back on topic. Blood test came back a letter received. You have tested negative for crippling arthritis, b12 an folic levels are good, still going thru menopause UNFORTUNATELY! I loved that last information, (unfortunately). Even my female Doctor understands the difficulty this presents and wishes it could go by quickly. One day soon PLEASE.
Well I guess it is time to figure out what will please my brain when viewing my physical appearance. The right wardrobe will help, haven’t quite figured that out. Exercise daily, The Man has figured that out. Cover the mirrors temporarily? (Maybe) We tend to see ourselves totally opposite as others see us. Can I borrow your eyes for the time being? Set goals stick to them let nothing get in the way. (NO EXCUSES!!)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dear Soldier Son


Easter in Indy tree in bloom 021             

I fear you may think I have forgotten you. I have not been such a great Mother since your deployment in January. I am so sorry! Only one package I have sent, Please forgive me. I fear for your well being daily, and constantly check your facebook status to see if you are still okay. So far it appears you are in good health physically and mentally with only minor breakdowns in both. My life has been crazy mad with business of late. I put off doing things for you till tomorrow which never seems to arrive. If only your other Parent could lift a hand and share in thinking of you with letters and kindness of a care package as your Grandmother has and others. Why I ask you is this task left solely up to me? I love you with all my heart and immediately a care package and a letter will be sent along with the smokes you need. The other woman in your life you say you love, I can only hope is sending these things to you, practicing to be a good wife. For it is she who has taken you from me and the phone calls I may be receiving instead of your love being sent thru the wires to her. You will always be my Son even after you take a wife. I am going to do better as your Mother and schedule these things regularly.

On the track to saluting you and the soldiers you are fighting along side daily the red, white and blue flies for you.                                                                                             

soldier saluteingNever Forgotten I carry you in my heart each and everyday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week Coming to a Close

clock with wings                                        time flying

Today is Friday, the week truly has flown by and time it self. If only it could have been lifted and gently carried away by butterflies. The little time I have left quite possibly would feel freeing. The reason I haven’t posted all week. The contract I hold for sent out 7500 coupon flyers that arrived to residence this week. In turn these flyers brought in on overwhelming amount of work for his hourly employees. So I have been given a fair share of the work load to free them up for fittings. Everyday brought even more of a time crunch onto my shoulders for I do have clients of my own and another contract I take care of. With each day of delivery and pickup I found just as I was ahead of the game I would be given even more work due for the next day. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining, for I do need to make the moolah I will generate from the work. I too will have more freedom soon. These overloads are always temporary. Rent quite a few movies for days spent in workroom. (helps time pass.) I did have company in workroom this week. College Girl also is feeling a time crunch. Her wall hangings for Senior Exhibition need to be ready by Monday, for the show is the following Sunday. First day working with her in the same space was a little hairy. She was in such a foul mood it was very difficult to stay cheery and bite my tongue but I managed. Her mood partly I believe was brought on because she was beating herself up for a whole weekend spent celebrating her boyfriends birthday, when she wanted to be working on her project. People who play hard tend to have to work harder to catch up. Been there done that. Oh the days of my youth and the choices I made along the way.  I had such a large ball gown to alter for that evening and the space was not quite big enough for the gown and an extra person. I did manage in all. Half a day later I still had my faculties intact and the ball gown finished. I did enjoy working along side my College Girl on her project. I am not sure I was as helpful as I could have been this past week or as inspirational, for this I am sorry.You know what they say. “When it rains it Pours” and the work load for the week has poured a plenty.

The past week two prom dresses altered and potential custom gowns for next year, and money made.

We do have a party in the works for College Graduation to pay for. Let the party begin.

Note to Self: Make list for said party. Stay on top of things. note to self


Monday, April 19, 2010

A Gracious Daughter


My Saturday evening started with my # One Daughter calling me for a girls night. This meaning, A night with her and the Grandbabies. She proceeded by telling me she would like to take me shopping. I thought hummm, I told her the thought was very kind and asked if it was intended as an early Mothers Day gift? She replied “No Mom I want to buy you some new clothes.” I said “That is very generous I don’t think I can let you do that. You should hang on to your money for you and your Family.” She said “Mom let me do this. You need new clothes and you are unable now to buy these things for yourself. Whenever I was in a jam and needed new clothes you were there for me.”  I dug down deep to find Humility to except my Daughters offer. Believe me it was very tough. As a Mom you take gifts on your Birthday and other Occasional Holidays and even then if you receive nothing it is okay because I am the giver rarely the taker. She said to me “We will go anywhere you like and it does not matter what the cost.” Off to the mall we went. The shopping was great and I still went straight to the clearance rack and had The Man pitch in as well. For I excepted her kind gift but wanted to minimize the cost.She has her own Family to raise now.  Tried out a new store and visited my old standards.What ever else I may need there is my Gift from God to   fall back on and a closet fabric and sewing scissorsfull of Fabric.

Thank You Darling Daughter this was a special treat I Love you.

fabric i love u

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today is a New DAY

So 50 and Searching no longer exists.It is for the greater good and I can start again FRESH. I  look forward to tomorrow and the day after. The previous blog was taking a different direction than I intended it to. Hurt feelings were beginning to happen and be held against others. I will write about my daily experiences or at least the ones that make you go hmmmmm. Occasionally I may trudge up the past for Reflection. I will talk about my Future and the outcome I am striving to achieve.I have tremendous support from my Daughters who were really my only Followers. They have encouraged me to continue on, for they feel I am a good writer, sweet, direct and an easy read. Moving Forward. This is Somewhat a diary of my lifes challenges and the changes.

I applogize if you were not able to read all the other postings. Hope the ones in the futurewill make up for that.