My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Monday, November 1, 2010

End of Week

As my week comes to a close, which in actuality is Saturday the alteration business has gone pretty well. I have done a few rushes,while schmoozing the customers to keep them coming back. The shock of previous fitter is finally subsiding. I am doing everything I can to win over  these customers so they believe in me and will not seek out another Alteration Shop. Goal, to do everything I can to stay 1 step ahead of the work load and never falter finishing the work for the due date.The past two weeks the monies earned has nearly doubled seeing as how I now get to sew everything down to the smallest repair myself, the employees have willingly jumped on board with asking questions and charging for minor repairs ofte given away. Nothing in life is free and definitely my talents are not as well. If it was so easy to sew on a button I wouldn’t be doing this myself, all customers would take care of it as they fall off. It is astounding to me how few people these days can sew on a button, heck even the Man and Soldier Son can accomplish this along with threading a needle.imagesCASIR9K1 needle and thread

Any thread will do, but you may have to sew it back on at some point in the future, if the thread is to old as depicted in the pic above. Haha. The shop environment also is user friendly now, everything in its’ place and a place for everything. The Man is going to make an opening from the work space for easier access to the fitting room where the mirrors are the best and the fittings can be done in private without the customer having to walk through the cleaning, tagging area, which is a little of an eye sore. It is my hope and the Managers that the upgrades I am doing may inspire the owner to renovate the lobby and bring it into the 20th century, all that is needed is a splash of paint, better lighting, and fresh carpet. Time to rid the place of all the wear and tear and bring life back into a thriving business. Your surroundings in the workplace can make a big difference in getting the quality of work desired from your employees. Our workplaces should imitate our Life and Home, hopefully neat and orderly to function at the highest level and be the best we can be in everything we endeavor


So go ahead, get to it, if you aren’t already organized, get organized you will feel better about going to work everyday. I do with the little cleaning up I have accomplished thus far.

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