Life is like a Percolator. Sometimes it boils with excitement. At times it needs to Filter Thru
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Wedding
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Dog Gone It
I do not suggest doing this. Who would have known what would happen if you were to grab a dog by the tail? My lovely Bella, a small dog who follows commands tried a great escape last night. I rewind her attempt and my reaction to it over and over again. The Grandbabies came to visit which at times brings out a little jealousy in Bella and she may at times forget her manners. She is a little dog, part Pomeranian and possibly Papillion. The sweetest little thing to me. As it became time for the grandbabies to head home I made the mistake of letting the oldest who is three open the front door on her own. She was taking way to long to exit the door in turn standing with it open. The door wasn’t opened wide but wide enough, as everyone else approached the open door to exit, seeing the babies to the car, Bella saw an opening and dashed to make her great escape. I was just about to step out the door and to my surprise and quick thinking grabbed her by the tail. Now everyone paralyzed stood there in the way, not attempting to help or open the door wider for me to scoop her up and bring her back inside. What the heck, help me. I was not in the mood to chase Bella down while she explored the scents of the neighborhood trying to be ever so patient in coaxing her back home. This has occurred a few times and can be very annoying. She knows her command of stay and will obey every time. As I have Bella by the tail she begins to flip her body like a crocodile trying to get loose. Next, to everyone's surprise a horrendous odor and squirting happens from her hind end. Yucky what is that? Bella retrieved and remnants of this horrific odor remain. The babies will need a bath after all and Bella too. Great this is not what I wanted to do on a Friday evening but I guess this was my just dues. I had been after all intending to bathe Bella, she wasn’t dirty but no longer felt as fluffy as she could be. Bathing it is and Bella you will also endure a hair trimming from head to tail. In the future no one will exit the front door until Bella fully understands this is not your opportunity to walk yourself, something I really need to make a better habit of doing. She doesn’t get out much and loves to go on walks, my hesitation of walking her, she always takes a poo even when I walk her in the street. With all said and done, I believe the odor quite possibly came from her you know what glands little dogs have, that on occasion need milked, I think this is the term. I had just mentioned this earlier in the week to the Man after watching her scratch her you know what on the carpet and then sniff the behind. So I guess inadvertently this has been rectified. Haha! I do realize I could have done great damage in grabbing Bella by the tail, like dislocation or even broken it off. So word to the wise let the dog run, the tail is not the answer for restraining the pet you love.
It’s all good and Bella has forgiven me and knows she was a very Bad Girl!!!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Plucked and shaved
How nice it is to take the time and do those hygiene task we often put off. Like waxing the eyebrows and shaving off the peach fuzz you have forgotten about. Yes I said it, shaving the peach fuzz off the face. It has often been said and believed that if a woman shaved her face the hair would grow back thicker and darker and quite possibly end up with the facial hair of a man. Becoming something only to be found as a side how in the circus. I am here to say this is a wives tell and only possible if a woman has an abnormal level of testosterone, if this was the case I would already be sporting dark facial hair. Caroline of the New Jersey housewives says this as well. She has admitted to shaving her face as I am now. I had always noticed the heavy peach fuzz on my Mothers face and often wonder why it didn’t bother her. I could see it clearly why didn’t she just get rid of it? Probably because of the wives tell. I also wondered where my Mothers’ eyebrows had gone. Her eyebrows are very light and scarcely can be seen. I noticed years ago how my foundation just wasn’t going on evenly and had different shades in different areas. Taking a closer look I concluded it was getting stuck in the heavy peach fuzz I was beginning to develop on my face. Oh no, this haves to go. Out with the razor and the peach fuzz began to fly, literally. Voila, smooth, child like skin and even application of foundation. As I aged I also noticed the eye shadow did not lay evenly on the eyelid creating a variance in blending. Why was this? Conclusion, I now had grey fine hair growing on the lid too minute to pluck. My hair stylist started waxing this area along with the brow and this was the correction I needed. I now wax my eyebrows myself saving dollars keeping up with an area that tends to grow fast. I have contemplated shaving of the forearm but this upkeep may be too much and become bristly with growth. This area shaved doesn’t look natural to me. After all is said and done, I stood close to the mirror to look at my accomplishment and the outcome, after choosing my wardrobe for the day, and I think to myself what wonders had just appeared. I look ten years younger, with the exfoliation of shaving and waxing of eyebrows, why do I not maintain this, for today I feel alive again. I also have vowed to myself to always bring color to my face no matter what age I become. So many older ladies forget to put their lips on, or wear even the slightest touch of makeup. They look so sad, colorless and blank. Why I ask, why. Will I become this way? I truly hope not. To look blank and lifeless, who wants this? Not I. I have often told my Daughters I will be the eccentric old lady who everyone around takes notice of, either because of my ageless beauty or even the crazy way of dressing I may choose. Velvet and old Lace for me please. My Mother swears one day I too will wear the elastic pants and put aside the makeup as she has. Mother I do love you and you are beautiful. I don’t think this to be Me.
For I am Vain, and Vanity will be My Name.
Who will you become?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Holiday Weekend
Labor Day weekend. A weekend full of Family and Fun. Company from as far as 2300 miles away and as little as 200 miles away came to celebrate several functions this past weekend. I know I learned why we celebrate labor day weekend in school as a child, but when you become my age this information gets shoved in a corner of the brain making room for today's’ information. Wiki my dear friend of info why is it we celebrate this day? Labor Day was first celebrated in 1882 by labor workers, then became a federal Holiday in 1894, one of the quickest passing of a Holiday by Congress after a union strike had gone horribly wrong and workers were subsequently killed by the military and US Marshalls. This was the Pullman Act. Today this Holiday is regarded by citizens of the US as a day of rest and parties. Did you rest this past weekend? In the past I pretty much rested over this Holiday weekend doing the things I needed to do or just nothing at all. Now I have a Grandchild born Sept.1 and the long weekend gives us the opportunity to celebrate her Birthday in grand style allowing those out of State a reason to visit. My weekend began Friday with Cali girl flying into town, airport, lunch, shopping, home for the wedding dress fitting. What fun! Time to see my handy work. Cali girl was alot thinner than last I saw her.
Thank goodness I did not complete the dress, this makes the alterations needed easier, with less work of tearing apart a completed garment. Later that evening it was time for my next task, a cake was needed for this beautiful child turning 3. Mamo had promised her a Barbie cake, so a Barbie cake is what she will have. Shopping for these supplies along with Bday gifts, then the real fun began, I even tried my hand at homemade frosting for the decorating of the cake. This frosting is more stable than a tub frosting which most often is a bit thin. Cakes baked earlier in the day, decorating did not begin till almost 9:00pm that evening, What I believed would work for Barbie's skirt was giving me such a trying time that Cali Girl U-tubed this info and we watched a video of how to. This was very helpful along with an extra pair of hands to drape the fondant around Barbie. A good reason for a laptop, don’t you think? How to videos where and when you need them, in the room your working in. Will this wash with the Man for purchasing one? Probably not. Finally finished and it is 2:00am. I had to rise the next morning before 7:00am for I was working for the fitter at the http://drycleaningstationcolumbus the next day, the fitter had taken a vacation to New Jersey to attend a wedding. She is getting a weekend of rest from labor, as she will be entertained instead of vice a versa. Running on empty, I was able to find my second wind somewhere and off to the park we went to celebrate our Princess Lola. It was a lovely day, not too hot just a little windy, the cake was a hit with disbelief form others who were not Family that I was capable of making such a beautiful cake, then questions were followed by asking if I would do this for others. I enjoy making these cakes for my loved ones and fear that doing this as a business I would not be as inspired or be able to command the price needed to make a fully decorated cake for others. The flaws I see would also become evident too by a paying client. Something to consider though as a paying job in the future. The Park and Grandbabies were fun. A surprise guest for Cali Girl made an appearance and Lola was showered with gifts as a true Princess should be. Cake was had by all. The only Drama happened during our Goodbyes to the grandbabies.An apology due to the young lady from me who treated my Mother in an unintentionally rude manner causing me to speak out and give hear a what for. Wasn’t my place to do this and I should have spoken to the teenagers Mother personally myself for her Brother is my Son in Law. Life goes on, over with forgotten with the weekend continuing, and little rest for a Bridal Shower is planned for the following day. We had our cake and we ate it too!!!
Sunday celebration to follow.