My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Year of Neglect

Neglected once again. Another year flew by and the year 2013 for this blog only saw 5 postings. The first post of 2013 was another year in review of previous year with only the first 6 months documented. I started a draft of the second 6 months and left it unfinished and now it sits waiting to never be published because who cares about old news? I managed however to share about the first trip I took of 2013 which consisted of 2 postings for it was a terrifically fun trip and in this post I also managed to share the cakes I created. I created many more for my loved ones and will share them with you hopefully. I do apologize for leaving you with a sad post of venting about parenting of the times we live in and the difficulties of having an adult child move in. Everyone is living cohesively now with respect and understanding with consideration of each others feelings and duties of living in the same house.

What is wrong with me and why do I not make more of an effort to sit and write? My head is telling me to schedule it as if it were my job. One more, “A must do.” I could make this a New Years Resolution but that is not my style and I find you are left with disappointment when you falter. So instead, I create goals for myself and try to achieve them with prioritizing importance, with hopes of achieving the important goals. How about you? I put high on this list unfinished projects for I find it difficult to live with chaos. I am not an obsessive compulsive, I do however,  find when things are not organized this in itself breeds a chaotic life which leaves me with a feeling of frustration.

1360185kyk43qe6ja And then there is this. The distraction of social media that calls my name throughout the day. I have this on my list of “don’t waste time.” I have spoken about this time wasting to the Son in law, his response, “did you learn things on the internet and did it satisfy your brain? If the answer is yes then how could it be wasting time?” He is right you know. I have of late told myself this when the day is half gone and I have a feeling of unseen accomplishments for the day.( I know, you don’t have to yell at me. He he. If I am already sitting at my computer for hours at the beginning of my day why do I not type something for this blog?) One reason, it is work to write your thoughts, life happenings, down on paper. I have spent 3 hours if not more tweaking a post in a setting and in the end feeling it needed more and not find or set aside time to finish the post for publish. Okay, you got me it is simply pure laziness and I honestly admit it.

That said. In the end I ask what is the importance of this blog? Who do I really do it for? Me or the single reader of this blog who checks often to see what is going on in my life at the moment and if there might be a new post. I have thought about changing this blog to something different than an online journal. Maybe a tutorial blog of all things I create, from up cycling a sweater to fit, creating a stuffed monster the Granddaughter continually creates over and over again on a IPad app, my favorite photo editing apps, or the newest techniques I have tried my hand at in cake making. I am not sure this type of blog would be satisfying for me or my one follower. I often come across these type of blogs when searching for information and find I don’t read the page but treat it like a magazine skimming to find within the post the information or recipe that I was promised to see, often being let down. I have subscribed to many blogs for reading only to find I never go to my news stand and open them for reading. (Putting this on my list of “must do”.) If I want to read I have books yet to be started and books I have started and not finished on my Nook app. (Putting this on my list of “must do”.)   See the more I type I find there are so many things I start and leave unfinished, like the knitted sweater  only needing the sleeves knitted. (Putting this on my list of “must do”.) Okay, I must stop for my “Must do” list is growing longer and will keep me so busy I will not have time nor the desire to type a single word. I do thank the loyal follower who checks often for new postings.


Keep blogging and share often the trial and tribulations of my life because you have a follower who wants to hear about what you have to share good or bad, happy or sad. Make your next post 2013 a year in review to move forward with 2014 because the best is yet to come.

One can Hope.

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