My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Monday, March 7, 2011

They Live Happily Ever After

prince and princess

As in every fairy tale the Prince and Princess overcome many obstacles to finally be together and have all their dreams come true and in the end gather those close and dear to rejoice in their bliss. My Cali Girl along with her Dream Prince had been in a whirlwind for over a month. They were given the gift of a fairy Godmother along with helpers to make all their Wedding dreams come true. A little piece of their backstory I have yet to share. On vacation in New Orleans a girl was walking with a friend in the brewery district, when a young Man from a balcony sees her and gives her a shout to please stop and allow him to come off his perch and introduce himself. He does quickly and without hesitation. She blushes at his charm and wit and instantly he wins her heart. This young man lived 2300 miles from this girl. The weekend in New Orleans had a tremendous hold on this girl and young man. They spoke daily for a month. Life was not going as planned for the girl and the young man beckoned her to come and be near him. Nothing holding her back and love calling her near, she moved, taking the next biggest step in her life, leaving those closest to her behind, love had not always been kind to her in the kingdom she lived. This man was so sincere in his feelings for her she had to go, for he was put in her path for a reason. Love not tried could be true love lost. The girls Mother fully supported the romantic notion for he could be the one, you know, the soul mate we all hope to find. The young man was so certain he had found his soul mate within months he asked permission of the girls Father for her hand in marriage. Father did not hesitate to give it to the young man, he himself proposed to the girls Mother no longer than a month after courting her. When it feels like forever you know it. The girls Parents still together 25 years after. Happily Ever After is possible, use of the right tools to make a relationship last a lifetime hopefully has been on display for the girl and she will use them when obstacles are tossed into their pathway putting curves  and road blocks in their future relationship. Communicate, compromise, pick your battles, never hold on to an argument. No one is ever right or wrong, opinions may differ and that’s okay. Always, always kiss Goodnight. Now, we are on the next path of life, the wedding party is posed and lined up to make the Grand entry with the Prince and Princess.

Upon arrival into the reception this is what we see.165715_1811927217507_1219827351_2144888_7178804_n167784_1811927057503_1219827351_2144886_3146830_n167838_1811926777496_1219827351_2144884_2124126_n 

Tables were set with small bunches of daisies along with milk glass brick a brack. The nonmatching chairs were oh so quaint. A relax feeling of home with pillows tossed about on comfy sink into couches. The food was served buffet style, all the comfort foods you would desire daily if health wasn’t an issue. From french fries served in cone shaped paper bags to fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Yes there were healthy things to eat, roasted veggies as well as salad. Signature drinks of the night were displayed in chalk for those who dared to sample. As you moved around the patio you spied something that looked so scrumptious you would gladly go off your diet for a little taste of heaven. How 168052_1811928457538_1219827351_2144896_4867677_npretty they looked,  perched on their perfect pedestals of milk glass you weren’t certain they were meant to be eaten. Eat them we did, the red velvet cake served in a jar with cream cheese frosting in between the pieces were to die for. A miniature cake for the Bride and Groom in a flavor of the Grooms choice would be cut later in order to preserve the cake cutting tradition.


The food was just the start of everything else around the patio to enjoy. A Corner had been set with a Photographer taking keepsake photos to give to the guest, with frames of their choice to capture this moment. I thought this to be a spectacular idea.164009_1594219933232_1167930948_31291338_6284828_n168930_1811928137530_1219827351_2144894_7126013_nOnce your picture had been taken it would be displayed on clothes line for others to see. A bridesmaid takes a moment to show her love for her husband, and of course a big congrats. A Dj spins his music for the patio setting, a mixture of old and new crooners. I hear, Frank Sinatra calling my name to take the Man’s hand for a dance before we settle in with food and drink.http:// He complies to my request for we needed a little bonding time and what could be better than the words this song holds. We look into each others eyes and sing each word of “Fly Me to the Moon” while trying to hold our grip on the stone patio. It was all good, no hips broken and I believed this tender moment also caught the film crews eye. Before we head towards the buffet line Father is handed a microphone, this is his cue to welcome and Thank the guest for sharing in our celebration. He starts his speech in the traditional manner, starts to hand back the microphone and as he does he is wise enough to ask if he will be given another opportunity to speak again. No, was the answer heard. He politely says, “well then I am not finished for I have something I would like to say and present to my Daughter at this time.” Much to my dismay into his pocket he reaches for a box what it contains I have no clue. (A well kept secret and surprise to me.) He holds up a necklace that has a perfect circle on it. he says “This circle is perfect and continues around never ending, as my love for you, when you wear it I will always be close to your heart for it is your Daddio which you have a tendency to call me. Whenever times get tough or you are missing home just hold tight to your Daddio for I am there keeping you always in my heart. Tear!


 Crying, once again. I was so proud to know this Man and be able to call him my Husband on this special day. Now we can eat and mingle a bit and find the rest of our Family to break bread with. Yum is all I can say. So much was happening I glance across the patio a group had formed hanging onto words ringing from The Bestman, he was so funny in his story telling we all had a good laugh with him about his childhood friend the Groom. Time for the Maid of Honors speech, nervous, she managed to tell her story of love for her sister, the honor it was to have this duty and told the Groom how she believed he truly loved her sister for he alone was the one who could love all Women she is. (This statement made more than once is now a running 166466_1811933137655_1219827351_2144925_4243703_njoke with his friends, asking what woman she is that day.) 162945_1811934257683_1219827351_2144929_6449202_n

Let’s Eat, Drink and be Merry, for you will need your energy in check for what is in store next. A Good Time Dancing. We have yet to cut the cake, throw the bouquet and garter, hear a song written just for the couple or see what else may be up the sleeves of Tori and Dean.

Till the next time. Stop and 164087_1811932257633_1219827351_2144918_6070673_nsmell the daisies.  

Please, Don’t Eat the Daisies.







  1. please please don't eat the daisies please please.
    we all have our ups downs ins outs highs lows anyway the wind blows.

  2. did you do the dance, can't believe you remembered the rest of the words. muah xoxo

  3. I love you. Thank u for this post.
