Started out as a celebration ringing in the New Year with seeing a movie (Tron the Legacy), crashing Teacher Daughters get together, skyping Cali girl and talking to all the children at the stroke of Midnight. We are now in a New Year and January is closing to an end,along with many things left unresolved. I have yet to finish the posting of our wedding celebration, which I still plan on doing and hopefully you as my reader will still want to read about it, Christmas still adorns my home and needs to be taken down. Life has gotten in the way, such as work overload, Soldier son being home for a month, Cali Girl and new Husband visiting, and the passing away of two closely connected to me, and another one very ill preparing to join our Dear Lord sometime this year. Two Cousins and a Father in law have not faired well in this New Year 2011. My cousin 33 years young past away on January 21. 2011.
On the day he was laid to rest my Father in Law
passes away January 26 2011 which happened to be the 21st birthday of Soldier Son. We were truly shocked, for we had gone for a visit on Christmas, this would be the last time everyone would be together for a visit at Grandpa’s minus three Grandchildren who were unable to join us.The beginning of the year was joyous the end of January not so much, for it is filled with sadness. On February 5th the day before my birthday Reno P. Casassa will be laid to rest. We will be together once again in celebration of the life he lived. This is how I see passing on to another life
Do you believe the beginning of the year tells the story of the rest of your year and how it will be played out? Does the New Year purge the tragedies that might befall us right away in order to move along without them for a successful year? I say let us get these hardships over with from the beginning and then the rest of the year will be ours to take on with rewards of success.
I look forward to a business venture I have taken on to prosper greatly, I look forward to my Cali Girls new venture to become everything she dreamed of. Cali girl has found her creative side along with marketing and seeking out those who may help her with her sweet product for the hair and more.Cali Girl is building a website Chateau Le Chic and currently has a shop online Street chic boutique she has found her passion once again in photography starting with taking photos of friends and sharing them with other professional photographers.
She has an eye. Her hair accessories will also adorn the runway on models for Fashion Week in California. I look forward to Teacher Daughters success at her current job and possibly landing at least substitute teaching positions so she can get in the door of the career she has chosen. I look forward to Soldier Son seeing his future soon with one more year behind him in the army and only one left to go so he can seek out his passion to become a gaming programmer. I look forward to the first born being as happy as she can be as a Mother, Wife, Daughter and teaching her children everything they need to grow. I look forward to the 25th year anniversary of being married to The Man and growing old with him on this so called journey of life. We truly love each other and give each other strength in the most trying of times with support and kindness.
The year 2011 bring it on! How can it get any worse than it has started out?
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
God Bless my Aunt Barbara and help her cope with the illness of her oldest Daughter, easing her pain. We love you and pray for you daily.
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