My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Time Flies

I can not believe how busy I have been. Every day up at 6:30 the coffee is ready and to the workroom I head, I flip a few switches and the familiar hum of the sewing machine begins. I tap my  foot on the pedal while listening to the boiler iron pop  as it is heating. The news is playing on the flat screen as I wait for my favorite time of TV to get the scoop from GMA.I hope the 2 and a half hours I have will be sufficient for the items left to alter from last nights batch of and  garments. I looked to see when I last blogged and to my disbelief it was approximately 3 weeks ago. I have had a plenty to blog about just lacked the time. Soldier Son has returned home for a 2 week leave from Afghanistan. Two weekends before last, I stayed up till 2:00am making cupcakes for a client who paid me for doing so. Pics later ( no time now to upload photos). Last weekend I worked on getting the shop away from home sorted and cleaned to be ready for me to work daily out of it. My shop is located with in the dry cleaners I have been doing alterations for the past two years. This wasn't to take place till the beginning of November but the owner of the Dry Cleaning Station became impatient and wanted to move forward. For the past month the Alteration Station slammed me with the overload of work he had due to one of his employees being out of the country for a month. She has now returned and the part timers he hired will now be left in the dust including me. One fat paycheck from him and now poof like always used, abused and tossed aside. I guess as a business owner you must do whatever it takes to get the jobs done on a timely basis even at the expense of others livelihood. I am excited to be fully in charge of my own destiny now thanks to the owner of the I will do everything in my power to grow the alterations side of the business and win over the existing customers who grew fond of the previous fitter of the past 17 years. As I say she was just the fitter and the past 2 years I endured her lack of experience and crazy behaviour. Now whatever goes awry will be my responsibility and blame, so I better cross my Ts' and dot my Is' and always fit with clarity so there are no misunderstandings. This is and always has been my belief in the dealings of an accurate outcome. Come one come all for there is a new sheriff in town, or should I say Tailor waiting to make your garments fit perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. New sheriff indeed it is imperative to cross all i's and dot all t's.
    I am excited for you and your new responsibilities I know you will do a much better job than others have.
