Minecraft cake I made for College son's birthday. He hates cake sad to say, I just can't help myself. "A party without cake is just a meeting." (Julia Childs)
This is a lemon, blueberry filling cake I made for my birthday. So yummy and the second cake I made. Who wouldn't like two cake for their birthday?
Olivia turns 4. For this cake I was fortunate enough to receive an airbrush gun from Cali girl for my birthday making creating the black pot for this cake oh so simple. I no longer will struggle trying to make white fondant black hoping the product doesn't break down and stays pliable. I found my joy once again for Polymer clay and created a keepsake Lalaloopsy from the medium. I learned quite alot of what not to do. Cake, white chocolate with apricot mango filling and orange flavored buttercream frosting.
When I created this cake I felt as though I had finally achieved something in the way of caking. My first at making a mold for pouring sugar, my first at pouring sugar, first at airbrushing detail and stacking cake to a depth of 9". I am proud of this. So this is what I dream of and on occasion fill my day with.
Just a few, a little teaser I guess.
While waiting for my connecting flight my cut out of the Man and I stopped for a drink and a bite to eat. Choose your poison Dear. What a nice airport, food was great along with a stiff drink and an iced vodka latte to go. Heck I am on vacation, why not unwind and relax.
I now sit on my connecting flight watching the movie "Oz". I downloaded a movie to watch for the flight "Beautiful creatures" then low and behold a free movie I wanted to see at the movies. So the hour delay and the scared feelings I began to have due to the plane needing repaired at the gate before take off have now subsided. Joy, I may need to own this movie and watch it on the big screen in the darkness of my family room. Missing the beauty of the movie on a small screen without surround sound. I also seem to be laughing when no one else is. Okay I am spoiled a wee bit. Hurry plane I am so ready to see my California based children again it has been far too long. Touch Down, I have arrived, staying awake through the whole flight. That's a first.
Cali girl oh what a beauty you are, happy, happy, happy to be with you again. The scenery is amazing.We will spend the night catching up, chilling at the house and planning for our drive up the coast tomorrow to visit College son in San Francisco. The Man has not seen San Fran yet what adventure can we take him on? Good eats, maybe Alcatraz? We will see how it plays out. Fun may tie me up a bit. Documentation will be had. Truly ECSTATIC to be with my lovlies.