My Life. Past, Present and Future

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Hilliard, oh., United States

Monday, July 12, 2010

Damaged Goods

kts graduation 534A new addition to my Family arrived the first week of May. A Mother’s Day gift. It is the sweetest little dog. Part Pomeranian and who knows what else. She is oh so pretty, but she is a little damaged. I asked the previous owners what they could tell me about her habits, the only thing they offered was, “you better watch your plate of food because she will snatch it, and she is a picky eater.” No problems with the food issue. When we are eating she lays down out of the way and waits for an “okay I am finished.” Why I ask you did you not tell me about her tremendous fears of the broom, vacuum cleaners, anything you push. Or what about her fear of sudden movement or even loud noises. She runs like a scared rabbit. Yesterday as I was cleaning and it was very hot outside that is where she chose to stay. I felt so bad and didn’t understand why she didn’t find a secure place to go inside. In time she may. What really tops all this is her tremendous fear of a storm. Had a doozey of a storm last night and this morning, I awoke to her shaking like a leaf. She will not do her business in the rain, even if it is only a drizzle. I stood for quite awhile in the rain in the yard coaxing her to go. Nope she did not. Every carpeted room is closed up so she can not do her business in the house, the only method I know, keep her close and in my sight. She held tight for over three hours till I was able to take her on a walk. #2 twice and alot of #1 part scenting and the other for relief. My only hope is with all the love I have to offer this sweetie she will in time feel secure and pick up new habits. For now I will need rain gear.umbrella hat  What would the neighbors think of this?

1 comment:

  1. do it! umbrella caps are so under rated and very useful!
